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Miami Hotels >
Travel Information
Area Information
Driving Distance To Miami From...
Albuquerque |
1971 |
Anaheim |
2690 |
Atlanta |
659 |
Boston |
1522 |
Chicago |
1401 |
Dallas |
1342 |
Denver |
2112 |
Fort Lauderdale |
46 |
Indianapolis |
1192 |
Kansas City |
1482 |
Lake Tahoe |
3057 |
Las Vegas |
2571 |
Los Angeles |
2722 |
Nashville |
909 |
New Orleans |
858 |
New York |
1331 |
Orlando |
229 |
Palm Beaches |
78 |
Pensacola |
643 |
Philadelphia |
1232 |
Phoenix |
2348 |
San Diego |
2681 |
San Francisco |
3092 |
Seattle |
3299 |
Silicon Valley |
3071 |
Tampa |
246 |
Washington D.C. |
1062 |
Driving distance quotes are in miles and
are estimates. Your mileage may vary.
Below are some facts about Miami and some valuable links about the area. Follow the links to
learn more about the Miami area and to help plan your trip to Miami!
Other Miami Information Sites
Miami Facts & Statistics
- Weather
- The climate here is subtropical, with plentiful sunshine year-round. The sun's rays are surprisingly strong regardless of the season, so be sure to bring sunscreen and sunglasses. Virtually every building is air-conditioned, so you may sometimes wish to have a light jacket for comfort.
Average temperatures:
Jan: 59-75 Fahrenheit/15-24 Celsius; Feb: 61-76 F/16-25 C; Mar: 64/79 F/18-26 C; Apr: 68-83 F/20-28 C; May: 72-85 F/22-29 C; Jun: 75-88 F/24-31 C; Jul: 77-95 F/25-35 C; Aug: 77-95 F/25-35 C; Sep: 76-88 F/24-31 C; Oct: 72-85 F/22-29 C; Nov: 67-80 F/19-27 C; Dec: 62-77 F/16-24 C.
- Population
- Greater Miami is home to over 2 million residents, representing diverse cultures from around the world.
- Area Geography
- Greater Miami and the Beaches is spread over 2,000 square miles at the southeastern tip of the Florida peninsula. The Intracoastal Waterway separates mainland Miami from the island of Miami Beach, which is located directly on the Atlantic Ocean.
- County Government
- Originally known as Dade County, the name was officially changed to Miami-Dade County in 1998. Miami-Dade is governed by a strong-mayor, with the main county seat being in Downtown Miami. The City of Miami is headquartered in Coconut Grove.
- Sales or Use Tax
- Sales tax is 6.5%.
- Important Numbers
- Time: 305-324-8811. Emergency Numbers: Dial 911 for police and medical emergencies.
- Telephone Codes
- Miami-Dade County: area code 305; a second area code, 786, is in the ongoing process of being deployed. Broward County's primary area code is 954.
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